Client Check in Form

Fill in the below to let me know how your week went.

Can be anything you feel you done well this week (time manage management, diet or training...)
Training, nutrition and lifestyle (e.g. hit all sessions, hit daily steps and stayed in range for protein/calories etc.)
If so, which sessions and why?
If so, how many times per week and roughly how long for? (extra walks/sports)
e.g. feeling any joint pain (not muscle soreness) or finding the form hard to execute on an exercise. Leave blank if none
Highlight any of the exercises you feel you are improving on (strength/endurance/technique)
E.g. have you felt very hungry throughout this period
Overall highs and lows of the week (training/diet/stress) and/or how you feel your performing
e.g. any events coming up or any issues that may impact your progress